Monday 15 March 2010

Audience profiling

I have done some research into the type of people that would like our film. I asked people of different ages what there favourite genre is . I did this to find out what sort of audience would watch our genre of film.

10-20 years of age: I asked five people in this age category. Four people said that horror is there favourite genre and one person said that gangster is there favourite genre.

20-40 years of age: I asked five people in this age category. Three people said that action is their favourite genre. One person said that horror is their favourite genre. And one person said comedy is their favourite genre.

40+: I asked five people in this age category. Three people said that drama is their favourite genre. And two people said that romance is their favourite genre.

From my research I can come to the conclusion that people aged 10-20 are most likely to be the target audience for my film.

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