Thursday 21 January 2010

Change in our final decision

We have decided to change the genre of our film from gangster to horror. There are many reasons why we have to decided to change it. First of all after analysing our plot we felt it would be hard to create a realistic gangster films with shootings and loads of special effects. We feel that a horror film would be more easy to emulate. Therefore this will make our film more realistic. Creating an eery and tense atmosphere can be done with just diagetic sounds like leaves rustling. It will be much more easier and effective to create a horror film with this atmosphere to entice the audience. We have analysed various horror films like scream and saw. These films use sound particularly effectively to build up tension. They also use close-up of facial expressions to show the audience that particular person is in danger.
The main reason for this sudden change is we feel the equipment and actors at our disposal is more suited to a horror style movie rather than a gangster style movie.
The two main chaarcters in our film will be a killer and a victim. This is typical of most horror movies. Whereas if we did a gangster movie we would need more actors as there would have been two gangs.

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