Sunday 24 January 2010

Halloween Opening Scene

The opening is filmed from the point of view of the killer. A handheld camera is used to film it. This helps to build up tension and suspense for the audience. We are thinking of using this sort of style in our film as we believe it is an effective way of building up tension. However, when we film our opening scene we will try and use more editing techniques than halloween have used. Mise-en-scene has been used very effectively in this opening scene. The use of lighting is crucial in creating a scary atmosphere. This is something we will have to think about when deciding on what lighting to use. The female actor being the victim is very usual for horror films as they appear vulnerable. We will try and get a female actor in to act as the victim to make the scenario more realistic.

We are going to use Halloween as our style model taking ideas from it and incorporating it into our film, as we feel halloween is a successful horror film

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