Wednesday 28 April 2010

Audience Feedback

Here is some feedback I recieved from students at our school:

Chris - I thought the film was pretty good. I especially like the ending as it was an effective way to end the film. I didn't like the bit where the your watching the killers point of view, as he is walking down the stairs.

Tom - I enjoyed it, I thought tension was built up effectively especially through the use of music. I liked the music in the background. The end scene really topped off an excellent film.

James - The film is a mixture of good scenes and poor scenes. I felt the bit where the camera zoomed in on the knives was poor. It was well jerky. The end scene and the beginning scenes were quality though. The middle part of the film let you down.

Dave - Not bad, but I have seen better.

Liam - Loved it, the end scene was quality when the killer followed the victim outside then killed him. Then the hand banged against the window. That made me jump.

From the feedback I recieved I can gather that our opening scene and our final scene were good. However the middle of our film clip let us down slightly.

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